Why Strong Supplier Relations Matter to FairPrice

Image of a Post about a Statement by Tng Ah Yiam, the Chief Procurement Officer of FairPrice Group.

Mr Tng Ah Yiam (Chief Procurement Officer, FPG) on how analytics and supply chain capabilities help drive win-win partnerships between retailers and suppliers Supply chain resilience began to gain more attention at FairPrice Group only with COVID-19. For the longest time, few cared about this subject as the goods always arrived on time, shared Mr […]

Harnessing the Best of Data for Supply Resilience

Interview with Siang Tian – Overview of SCope to help suppliers gain a look on FPGSC E2E supply chain capabilities – show the upstream (risk monitoring), midstream (goods tracking) and downstream (prevent OOS situation) 5 Questions for Siang Tian, Director of Operations, Grocery Logistics of Singapore His team holds a crucial role, not just for […]
